How to Use Global Call Forwarding to Make Cheap Phone Calls in South Korea

What about when you want to call someone in the United States from South Korea? You can use the same strategy, but in reverse. This time, get a global call forwarding number local to South Korea. National, toll free, toll free mobile accessible, and several city-specific numbers are available.

South KoreaWhether you’re in South Korea for the Winter Olympics, a business conference, to visit loved ones, or to explore new markets, staying in touch with family members and business associates back home using global call forwarding is cheap and easy. Not only can you set up global call forwarding for people to call you while you’re in South Korea, cheap international phone calls back home are possible too. Here’s how to get the most out of an international virtual phone number when traveling overseas.

Step 1: Get a USA Call Forwarding Number to Divert Phone Calls to South Korea

First, you’ll need a way for your contacts to reach you while you’re in South Korea. If you have a mobile phone, it won’t necessarily work in South Korea — and international roaming rates can catch you off guard. Avoid the expense for everyone with a global number that’s local or toll free to people in the United States and divert those calls to a local phone in South Korea. This phone could be the phone at your hotel or a disposable cell phone purchased at the airport or shop once you arrive in South Korea.

With our international call forwarding plan, you can choose any number of toll free USA numbers (including vanity toll free numbers) or city-specific numbers for most states. So, for example, if most of your callers are located in Burbank, California, you could get a number local to Burbank and divert those calls to South Korea.  On the other hand, if your callers are scattered across the United States, a toll free number is the simplest option. In either case, when setting up your destination number, choose “Korea – South” and enter your ring to number. If you don’t have a South Korean phone number yet, set it to ring to voicemail. You can change the destination number at any time.

Once set up, your callers will dial a local or toll free number to reach your phone in South Korea. This brings their costs down to nothing (or minimal if they live outside of the local calling area for the phone number). Your costs will be just pennies per minute — a fraction of what you’d pay otherwise in international long distance and roaming.

Step 2: Get a South Korea Call Forwarding Number that Diverts to USA

What about when you want to call someone in the United States from South Korea? You can use the same strategy, but in reverse. This time, get a global call forwarding number local to South Korea. National, toll free, toll free mobile accessible, and several city-specific numbers are available.

You’ll need to change the destination phone number to the phone number of the person you’d like to call each time. This is easy to do on the fly and a great way to make cheap international phone calls from South Korea to USA.

Go Month-to-Month with No Contracts

Understanding that you may only need these USA-South Korea global phone calls for a short time period, it’s smart to choose a contract-free plan. Our global call forwarding plans are offered with monthly allotments of minutes with no contracts or hidden fees. Use the service as long as you need it and cancel at any time without penalties.

Learn more about South Korea Virtual Phone Numbers here

How to Use a Virtual Phone Number on Your Smartphone

Using a virtual phone number on your smartphone is a smart way to ensure your business contacts can reach you during and after business hours.

Virtual Number SmartphoneHaving a smartphone means you can be reached virtually anywhere, at any time. While incredibly handy for family and close personal contacts, you may have second thoughts about sharing your cell phone number with business contacts.

After all, you probably don’t want clients or your boss calling you at all hours. Using a virtual phone number on your smartphone is a great way to strike that ever-important work-life balance while still enabling calls (but on your terms) when away from the office.

What You Need

First, you’ll need to get a virtual phone number. This is a separate phone number that you can give to your business contacts, and anyone else who may need to reach you on your cell phone. Since the virtual phone number is not tied to a physical phone, you can assign it to ring to whichever phone you prefer to receive calls on — in this case, your smartphone.

There are several types of virtual phone numbers:

  • Local virtual phone numbers – These phone numbers are offered in specific area codes or cities, helping to create a local presence.
  • Toll free virtual phone numbers – These virtual numbers are toll free.
  • Global virtual phone numbers – Global virtual numbers are specific to each country. For example, if you need a way for your contacts in Spain to reach your smartphone, you’ll need a virtual number specific to Spain. Depending on the countries involved, you may need to order several global virtual phone numbers and then route them to your smartphone.

The type of virtual number you select will depend on your intended usage. For example, if you plan on using it exclusively with your local contacts, a local virtual phone number within your area code is the obvious choice. On the other hand, if you have business contacts across the country, or around the globe, a toll free or global virtual phone number may be a better choice.

How it Works

The beauty of using a virtual phone number that rings to your smartphone is this: you can keep your cell phone number completely private and control when to receive virtual calls on it.

When you first set up the virtual phone number, you will be prompted to designate a “ring to” number (or destination number). Enter your smartphone number here. This means that anytime someone dials the virtual phone number, the call will be forwarded to your smartphone.

Note that you can change this ring-to number as needed. Therefore, you might set it to ring to your office phone during business hours and then to your smartphone for your commute home and during select hours on the weekend with voicemail picking up during the times you don’t want to be disturbed. You can even automate your preferred schedule using the “time of day routing” feature.

Using a virtual phone number on your smartphone is a smart way to ensure your business contacts can reach you during and after business hours. Not only can they have an alternate means of reaching you, you can control how and when the virtual phone number is forwarded to your cell phone.

Learn more about Virtual Phone Number on Your Smartphone here


How to Use a Single Virtual Number for Your Entire Family

Global virtual phone numbers offer the ultimate in phone number portability.

Family phone extensionsBefore cell phones, families tended to use a single home phone number, a landline.

Today, families have multiple phone numbers such as a home phone number and individual cell phone numbers for each family member. While convenient, keeping track of all those phone numbers has become challenging.

In an attempt to keep things simple, many families try to get corresponding or sequential phone numbers. For example, Dad’s might be XXX-2201, Mom’s XXX-2202, and each kid’s the next number in the sequence. However, this isn’t always possible, and what happens if the family moves or gets new phones with new phone numbers?

Virtual phone numbers allow a family to have a single phone number just like in the old days, while allowing each family member to receive their own calls on their cell phones. The trick is to use our “interactive voice response” (IVR) feature and extensions. Here’s how to set a virtual phone number up for your entire family.

● Order a virtual phone number — Virtual numbers are a special type of call forwarding number where calls can be forwarded to just about any physical phone in the world. They are extremely convenient for businesses and individuals alike.

● Set up your extensions — Each family member will need their own extensions. When setting them up, you’ll be prompted to enter their destination phone numbers. For example, if you want Mom’s calls to ring to the family’s main land line, enter what would be the destination number for Mom. Meanwhile, you might want to enter your son’s cell phone number and your daughter’s dorm room number as their ring to call destination numbers.

● Create a welcome message — This is the message callers will hear when the call picks up. At this point, you can prompt callers to “Press 1 to speak with…” and list the individual family members and their extensions.

Using a virtual phone number for your family provides you with flexibility as phone numbers change. As long as your extended family and friends have your main virtual phone number, they can reach you, your partner, and your kids even if you’ve moved across the country (or to another country for that matter). Global virtual phone numbers offer the ultimate in phone number portability.

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Global Virtual Numbers

How to Get a Temporary International Call Forwarding Number

You can keep it or cancel at any time without penalties or fees.

Temporary International Call Forwarding NumberHaving a global presence often requires the use of international call forwarding numbers so that callers from around the world can seamlessly reach your business’s call centers, branch locations, and help desks.

However, with ongoing operations, you’ll likely keep your global numbers for the long-term. What about short-term global calling needs? Here’s how to get a temporary international call forwarding number that rings to your designated location for as long as you need it.

Global Call Forwarding at a Glance

International call forwarding numbers are a virtual type of phone number that allow callers in one country reach your business in another country by dialing a phone number that is local or toll free to their location. For example, if your business is located in India, but you have customers in USA, the phone number will look and act like a typical USA toll free or local number but will ring to a phone in India. For callers, there are no international dialing codes or costs whatsoever.

Getting a Temporary International Call Forwarding Number

In the example above, you’d probably want to keep your international call forwarding number for an extended period, especially after printing sales and marketing materials. For temporary projects, such as a natural disaster hotline or an international sporting event that happens just once every few years, getting a temporary global call forwarding number is a better choice. Fortunately, it’s easy to do exactly that with our contract-free plans!

Our contract-free temporary international call forwarding numbers are offered month to month. You can dance at any time, making them perfect for those instances where you need international call forwarding for a limited time period.

  • Start by selecting the country for your new phone number – Since your callers are located in a different country, the call forwarding number needs to be local to that specific country. Depending on the country, you’ll be offered a choice of toll free, toll free mobile, regional, or city-based phone numbers. Choose the one that makes the most sense for your needs.
  • Now enter the phone number where the international calls will be forwarded to – This destination number can be changed at any time. For instance, if you initially need to receive calls at your main call center, enter that number as the destination number. You can change it to a branch office number, mobile phone, or any other number as your needs change. Using the service’s advanced features, you can even change the destination number based on time of day and other parameters.
  • Choose your monthly plan and add it to your cart – That’s it! Once paid for and activated, callers in other countries can conveniently call you with your new global call forwarding number.
  • Cancel at any time – You can cancel at any time without penalties or fees.

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Virtual Number Call Forwarding for College Students

Virtual Number Call Forwarding for College Students

Looking for a better way to manage a college student’s phone needs? Consider virtual number call forwarding.

Virtual Number Call ForwardingYou can use virtual number call forwarding in several ways to reduce your student’s long distance bills and ensure that you can be reached no matter where you may be located.

In order to understand how you and your college student can benefit from virtual number call forwarding, you’ll need to understand what virtual number call forwarding is.   At its most basic, virtual number call forwarding is a phone number that is not attached to a physical phone. You can set your virtual number to ring to any phone.

Get Your Own Toll Free Virtual Number

As the parent of a college student, you don’t want to miss a single call. While cell phones are a great choice, they do have limits. For example, what happens if your cell phone’s battery is dead? What if you’re traveling in an area with spotty coverage? With virtual number call forwarding, you can receive calls on your cell phone if desired or you can set up your virtual number to ring to a different phone such as your home phone, office phone, or hotel room phone.

Parents who pay their students’ phone bills one way or the other should consider getting a toll free virtual number. Since the number is toll free, your student does not need to worry about costs or running out of minutes on a prepaid phone card. Meanwhile, toll free virtual number call forwarding plans are available with low per minute rates. You may even find that ordering a toll free number for your college student is one of the cheapest ways to receive long distance calls.

Once you have your number, give it to your college student and any other children, family members, or friends you want to be able to reach you no matter what. Use the online account management tool or voice menu to set up your default ring-to number and access other features. You may even want to enable simultaneous ringing (a feature that rings several designated ring-to numbers at the same time) or sequential routing (a feature that tries several designated numbers in a predefined sequence).

Get Your Child a Virtual Number

In addition to getting a virtual number call forwarding plan for receiving calls from your college student, it may make sense to get one for calling your student. When picking a number, keep in mind that even if your child is located in another city or state, it’s often smarter to choose a number that’s local to you because you’ll be dialing the number and paying for the calls you make. Consider either a toll free number or a number that’s inside your local calling area. Either way, you will incur a low per minute fee for the call forwarding service. Choose a toll free virtual number call forwarding number if you frequently travel outside of your local calling area to keep your costs as low as possible.

It’s up to you how you allow your child to use the virtual number. For example, some parents set up simultaneous ringing so that the virtual number call forwarding automatically rings the child’s dorm line and cell phone. Others teach their kids how to change the ring-to number at will. If your child is likely to forget to change the number, activating simultaneous or sequential ringing is recommended.

It’s also up to you whether or not you tell your child what the number is. For example, if your child shares the virtual number with casual friends and acquaintances, you’ll end up paying for their calls. If you’d prefer to contain your costs and limit them to only the calls you make, then order virtual number call forwarding, set it up, and keep the details to yourself.

Virtual Numbers and International Travel

Another benefit of virtual number call forwarding is that you can use your virtual number when traveling internationally. If your child will be spending a semester overseas, you can simply change the ring-to number to the overseas destination and dial your child as you normally do. Likewise, if you must leave the country, you can change your ring-to number to your international location and receive phone calls from your college student no matter where in the world you might be.

Using virtual number call forwarding to make and receive phone calls from a college student is a terrific choice for any parent. Order one for your college student to use to reach you and one for you to reach your college student. You’ll both be better able to find each other, and you can enjoy low per minute rates.

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Virtual Numbers Call Forwarding for Small Businesses

On days when you work from home, you can switch the ring to number to your home phone line.

Virtual Numbers Small Business

Companies have long used international virtual numbers to appear local in markets where they lack a physical location.

They do this by establishing a local virtual phone number and then using call forwarding to route those calls to a call center located internationally.

For example, a caller in Savannah, Georgia might dial what appears to be a local number, yet the call will ring to a call center located in some other city, or country for that matter.

As a small business owner, you can use call forwarding in a similar fashion. For example, if your ideal clients are located in New York City but you’re in Los Angeles, you could order and publish a New York City virtual number and then instantly divert those calls to your LA office. Your clients and prospects do not necessarily need to know that you’re on the other coast.

Establishing a local phone presence with virtual numbers

In addition to establishing a local presence elsewhere, many business professionals use call forwarding to ensure that they never miss a call despite frequent travel. While you could use your cellphone to ensure this, you may not want your customers, prospects, and colleagues to have your cellphone number directly. By using call forwarding, you can control when and where you’ll receive calls.

For example, you could order an 800 or local phone number and set up call forwarding to your main office line. On days when you work from home, you can switch the ring to number to your home phone line. When traveling on business, you could forward your calls to your cellphone or hotel room.

By using call forwarding in this manner, you can be reached wherever you are without having to give out your private phone numbers. In addition, should you move your office, you will not need to change your business cards, stationary, and advertising materials. Simply change your ring to number.

Global call forwarding using Virtual Numbers is a flexible tool that allows for localization and portability. It’s an affordable option that works beautifully for international, domestic, big and small businesses alike that do business globally but need to be accessible locally.


Virtual Phone Numbers as a business tool

Some companies use virtual numbers to expand their presence by adding additional local phone numbers in other cities or additional states. For example, a California company may have a main office location in San Jose but they have customers in Los Angeles, San Diego and Sacramento.

Remote Virtual Phone NumberWhenever you browse the Web or watch a TV commercial, or listen to a radio, no doubt you will be asked to call a phone number by a sponser.

They all utilize virtual phone numbers.  Of course not all virtual numbers are used for advertizing products and services.

The numbers you see and hear in the media are typically diverted to landlines or a mobile phone number. Many possible uses of a virtual phone number include a virtual office in a remote location, IT support, and international virtual numbers are used by businesses located in any country to create easy access by their customers or potential customers.

Where do you want a Virtual Phone Number

Most of the time a virtual number is acquired in an city or country other than where the office is physically located. This is one of the high value aspects of virtual phone numbers for businesses, the ability to provide a phone number in a locale where the enterprise wants to do business by offering a ‘local’ number even though the real office can be on the other side of the planet.

Some companies use virtual numbers to expand their presence by adding additional local phone numbers in other cities or additional states. For example, a California company may have a main office location in San Jose but they have customers in Los Angeles, San Diego and Sacramento.

Adding additional virtual numbers creates a phone presence in remote areas of interest without adding a physical office or staff.

Learn more about virtual numbers….

The Virtual Number Solution

Companies of any size can benefit from a virtual number. In fact, a toll free number can help a business compete by taking long distance charges out of the equation and adding credibility.

Virtual Number SolutionA web site needs more than a local contact phone number.  It does not help the customer that wants to talk to a representative before they order a service or sign up online if they are located overseas.

The solution is to remove the international calling obstacle that your customers need to overcome to simply gain a comfort level with your company and know that you are sincerely interested in assisting them.

Companies of any size can benefit from a virtual number. In fact, a toll free number can help a business compete by taking long distance charges out of the equation and adding credibility.

With economical per minute rates, you may want to get a virtual number for your web site so visitors can call from the country where you do the most business.

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Expand your Brand Internationally

Many companies already market products or services internationally and have established a customer base overseas.

How do new customers discover your company? No doubt by doing a search on the Web.

New Global MarketsWhen they get to your website, is it easy for them to make contact by phone? As much as we all seem to like chat and email, many customers want to actually speak to a human before they order a new service or product.

Many companies already market products or services internationally and have
established a customer base overseas.  While some enterprises wish to target specific new

The easiest approach and also the most cost effective, is to enable a
virtual phone number in your target country.  A virtual number will divert calls from a country to your office location in any other country.

For example, you may be a software company located in the UK, however your company
may desire to offer your products in Brazil.  If you created a Brazil virtual
number, the Brazil customer can dial a familiar phone number in Brazil and
connect immediately to your UK office.

What you have effectively done is created a local Brazil phone presence quickly and easily without the expense of staffing and building a brick and mortar office in Brazil.

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Simultaneous Ringing Call Divert

A customer may have very important calls and simply wants the calls to follow whatever phone number he/she may be near at the time.

The Simultaneous Ringing feature enables your virtual number to divert calls to a maximum of 10 different phone numbers, even if they are located in different countries.

Simultaneous Ringing Virtual Number

These numbers will ring in unison.  The network automatically connects the call to the first number that answers.

Is this a useful feature for you?  It could be, however most customers probably have less of a requirement.  Perhaps 3 or 4 numbers is what the normal customer requires.

But some customer do use this feature to because they have a widespread network of call centers and the calls may be crucial to be answered by a human.  Or a customer may have very important calls and simply wants the calls to follow whatever phone number he/she may be near at the time.

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